NE U07
Instruction manual
Page 2
Seite 20
Mode d’emploi
Page 38
Istruzioni per l’uso
Pagina 56
Instrucciones de uso
Página 74
Inhalationsgerät – Nebuliser
N E U07 5.1 CE
General Inform ation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
Com ponents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
Safety precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
Inform ation on inhalation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
Preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
Start the treatm ent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
End of operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
Possible problem s and how to solve them . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14
Technical data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
Spare parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
Guarantee card . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17
The OMRON N E U07 is a nebuliser for the inhalation of m edi-
cal aerosols to treat asthm a, chronic bronchitis and other respi-
ratory tract disorders. This nebuliser is suitable for com m only
used inhalation solutions. Use only the m edication prescribed
by your doctor. Type and duration of the inhalation m ust be
carried out according to the recom m endations of your doctor.
Table of
The OMRON N E U07 produces a very low particle size
distribution and therefore a m edication vapour that will reach
effectively and reliably to the upper and lower respiratory
The OMRON N E U07 can be used autom atically with constant
aerosol-delivery function or interm ittently by an interrupt
Thank you for purchasing an OMRON product. You can be sure
you have m ade a wise choice. By buying the OMRON N E U07
nebuliser, you have chosen a high-quality, innovative instru-
m ent. During its developm ent, particular attention was given to
reliability and easy, convenient handling. Before using for the
first tim e, please read through this m anual carefully. If you
should still have any questions regarding its use, please contact
the OMRON Custom er Service at the address on the packaging
and/or attached literature. They will be pleased to help you.
The OMRON N E U07 is suitable for inhalation both at hom e
and in hospital or a doctor’s practice.
The OMRON N E U07 nebuliser corresponds to the appropriate
CE regulations.
Best wishes for a healthy future.
Yours sincerely,
of the
NE U07
main unit
NE U07
1 Mouthpiece
2 Aerosol rate adjust knob
3 Cover
NE U07
4 Casing
5 N ebuliser lam p
6 Battery discharge lam p
(only if rechargeable batteries are used)
7 Power cord
14 Aerosol delivery rate adjust knob
15 Air filter
16 Fan
17 Transducer
8 Plug
18 N ebuliser guide
19 Medication cup
20 Medication cup holder
21 Ventilation hole
22 Water tank
9 Manual operation button
10 Continuous operation button (
11 Unlock button
12 AC adapter
13 Bottom housing
23 Water level detector
Please read the following instructions carefully, as they contain
im portant inform ation concerning the setting up, use and
m aintenance of your new nebuliser.
When using any electrical appliance certain im portant safety
m easures m ust always be observed, which include the follo-
Keep this m anual for future reference.
The unit is not protected against water penetration, so:
N ever subm erse the nebuliser in water.
As soon as you have unpacked the nebuliser, check it for
visible dam age or defects. In particular check for cracks in
the plastic housing, which could expose electrical com po-
nents. If this is the case or if you are in doubt, contact an
authorized dealer or the OMRON Custom er Service directly.
Only use the nebuliser for its intended purpose, that m eans
for inhalation therapy. Any other form of use constitutes an
im proper use and is therefore dangerous. The m anufacturer
cannot be held liable for any dam age caused by im proper or
incorrect use.
N ever touch the unit when your hands are wet or m oist.
If it falls into a filled bathtub or sink, first disconnect the
power supply plug from the wall socket, before attem pting
to retrieve it. Im m ediately contact an authorized dealer or
the OMRON Custom er Service and have the unit inspected.
Do not use the unit before this inspection and any neces-
sary repairs have been carried out.
Do not allow unsupervised children or infirm persons to use
the unit.
N ever open the m ain unit.
Do not disconnect the unit by sim ply pulling out the plug
from the wall socket. Always switch the unit off first.
Do not leave the nebuliser running unattended. Always
switch the unit off and then unplug it when it is in use.
Do not leave the unit outdoors or in a hum id environm ent.
N ever store the unit in direct sunlight.
Do not operate the unit in the presence of anaesthetic m ix-
tures which are inflam m able when they com e into contact
with air, oxygen or nitrous oxide.
If you discover that the nebuliser is dam aged or does not
operate properly, switch it off im m ediately and stop using
it. Any repairs m ust be carried out by an authorized dealer
using only original OMRON spare parts. Any part of the
unit m ay only be repaired or replaced by the m anufacturer
or the OMRON Custom er Service.
Keep the power cable away from heated or hot surfaces.
The power cable should always be fully unwound in order
to prevent dangerous overheating.
Do not use the nebuliser while you are in a bath or shower.
Som e parts of the unit are so sm all that they could be swal-
lowed by sm all children. Do not let unattended children
have access to the unit.
Make sure that the electrical rating shown on the rating
plate on the bottom of the unit corresponds to your m ains
voltage and frequency before plugging in the nebuliser.
If the power plug provided with the nebuliser does not fit
your wall socket, have the plug changed by an electrical
appliance dealer. Do not use an adapter. If you use an exten-
sion cable m ains adapter m ake sure not to connect too
m any appliances sim ultaneously so that the m axim um load
is not exceeded.
Always disconnect the nebuliser from the power supply
before com m encing cleaning.
This appliance is designed for short term operation only.
The unit m ustn’t be operated for longer than 30 m inutes.
Please allow 30 m inutes between two operations.
If the power cable or the power supply plug becom e dam a-
ged, consult an authorized dealer / service agent or contact
the OMRON Custom er Service. N ever operate the unit
with a dam aged power cable or plug.
N ever subm erge or wet the AC power unit or cord. Doing so
could result in electrical shock.
➀ Filling cooling water
Before filling cooling water or medication, be sure the power is
OFF ( ). (Nebuliser lamp is OFF and the power cord is unplugged).
N ever operate the unit with the water tank em pty. Use only
water in the tank. Solutions other than water m ay cause da-
m age to the transducer.
Remove the cover by slightly pushing the rear part of the cover to
move it upwards.
Lift the medication cup holder by slightly pushing the front panel
of the tank holder and lifting it up.
Change the water in the water tank after each use.
Warning: N ever rem ove the cover during operation – severe
injury could occur.
➀ Filling Medication
Place the nebuliser on a table or another flat and stable surface.
Fill the water tank ( with tap water or distilled water) to the
correct level. (In between the two lines).
water level
1. N ever fill the water tank with solutions other than water.
Dam age to the transducer could occur.
2. Be sure to fill the water tank to the proper level. The unit
will not operate if the water level is low.
When inhaling you should sit upright and relaxed. You should
sit at a table and not in an arm chair as otherwise you will con-
strict your respiratory passages and im pair the effect of inhala-
tion. If you m ust be treated in bed, support yourself with
pillows so that you will sit as upright as possible.
on inhalation
Place m edication directly into the m edication cup.
N ever use m ore than 10 m l of solution.
Be sure all parts are clean before operating.
One treatm ent should not last longer than 15 m inutes. Consult
your doctor concerning the appropriate inhalation tim e.
Always be calm and relaxed when you inhale. Allow tim e for
the inhalation to take effect after you have finished using the
The m edication cup has a 10 m l capacity. N ever overfill.
Breathe in slowly and deeply so that the m edication can reach
deep into the fine bronchial tubes. Hold your breath for a short
time, then breathe out slowly. Do not try to breathe too quickly.
Take a pause when you feel like having it.
Before using the nebuliser for the first tim e it m ust be cleaned
according to the cleaning instructions.
Aerosol output is adjustable by rotating the delivery rate
adjust knob placed on the cover.
➂ Assem bling
Rotate the knob counterclockwise to increase the rate, or
clockwise to reduce the rate. Adjust it to your requirem ents.
Mount the medication cup holder and the cover onto the main
Sit relaxed at a table and breathe in the aerosol delivered
through the m outhpiece or air tube (optional part).
Couple the main unit with the AC adaptor. (Fit them by pressing
until it clicks).
Press the continuous operation button (
(N ebuliser lam p goes out).
) after use.
End of
Connect the plug to a wall-plug (AC 220V – 230V~).
Start the
Before plugging the unit in, m ake sure that the voltage rating
on the back of the AC Adaptor and the supply voltage value
m atch.
Press the
-button for interm ittent operation. The
nebuliser will not operate if it is not pressed.
Press the OFF/ON (
)-button for continuous operation. The
nebuliser will operate continuously until it is pressed again,
which stops the unit.
➂ Rem ove the plug from the m ains socket.
(Do not pull the power cord. Be sure to pull it out by
holding the power plug).
➂, ➂ Lift the casing up, while pressing the front and rear
unlock buttons of the AC adaptor. Rem ove the m ain
➂, ➂ Rem ove the cover and the m edication cup holder from
the m ain unit.
1. During operation a green power light will illum inate. This
light m ust be lit for the unit to operate.
2. The unit is equipped with a heat sensor. If, during operation,
excessive heat occurs, the unit will autom atically shutoff.
The unit will operate properly when norm al operating tem -
perature is reached. Store the unit in a well ventilated loca-
tion (near an open window for exam ple). Please wait at least
30 m inutes before restarting inhalation.
Rem ove the nebuliser guide, m outhpiece and aerosol volum e
adjust knob from the cover.
Wash the air filter in lukewarm water (40° C or less) or with
diluted neutral cleanser to reuse. After washing, m ake sure the
filter is com pletely dry before attaching it to the unit.
40° C or less
How to rem ove the delivery rate volum e adjust knob:
Rotate the knob counterclockwise, adjust the " " m ark
with the m atching m ark " " of the cover and pull it
If soiling can no longer be washed out, replace the filter with
a new air filter (U07-4).
Other parts
Pour the m edication out of the cup, clean and sterilise the
cover, nebuliser guide, m edication cup holder, m outhpiece,
aerosol volum e adjust knob, rem ovable parts.
Wash the m edication cup, m edication cup holder, cover, nebuli-
ser guide, m outhpiece, aerosol delivery rate adjust knob and fan
in com m ercial cleaning solution (eg. Milton). Do not use soap.
All parts can be placed in boiling water for 5 to 10 m inutes.
Do not allow the water to boil dry.
Unit m aintenance
Drain water from the water tank. Wipe out rem aining water
with soft, dry cloth.
Clean the unit using a cloth m oistened with water and a few
drops of neutral cleanser, and then wipe dry with a cloth.
N ever use abrasive m aterial on transducer.
Be sure that the unit is disconnected from the power source
before cleaning.
N ever use benzene, thinner, a volatile chem ical.
Replacing and cleaning of the air filter
Do not store the unit in direct sunlight or in areas of high
hum idity. The unit should be kept in a safe place.
Rem ove the aerosol volum e adjust knob from the cover ➀, ➀
and rem ove the filter ➀.
Possible problems and how to solve them
Technical data
This device fulfills the provisions of the EC directive 93/42/EEC (Medical Device Directive).
Sym ptom
Rem edy
Operation button ➀ Check that the plug of the AC
Correctly insert it.
AC 220V – 230V~, 50/60 Hz
Approx. 20 Watts
lam p (AC) does
not light up.
adaptor is inserted correctly.
➀ Check that the m ain unit is
m ounted correctly onto the AC
Electrical rating:
Power consum ption:
Particle size:
Correctly m ount it.
With AC
adaptor in use.
3.5 µm (MMD *)
➀ Check that the level of water in Fill water up to proper level.
Ultrasonic frequency:
N ebulisation rate:
Water tank:
2.4 MHz
the water tank is norm al.
Approx. 1.0 m l/m in.
Approx. 21 m l
N o nebulisation
➀ Check that standard volum e of
Fill the m edication cup and switch
on the power by pressing OFF/ON
the m edication is in the cup.
= T 0.1 A
Medication cup:
Dim ensions:
m axim um 10 m l
Low nebulisation ➀ Be sure the m edication cup is
Replace the m edication cup.
Rem ove the exess m edication.
Increase delivery rate.
Approx. 62 m m (W) x 110 m m (D) x 254 m m (H)
approx. 940 g
not broken.
➀ Check the m edication level in
➀ Check aerosol volum e adjust
➀ Check battery light.
➀ Check preparation of
m edication.
Operating conditions:
Storage conditions:
Electrical safety:
0 °C – 40 °C; 30% RH – 85% RH
0 °C – 40 °C; 30% RH – 85% RH
- Class II,
Go to AC operation.
Eventually read inform ation sup-
plied with m edication or consult
your doctor.
- Type B
Sym bol explanation:
= Manual operation
AC = Alternating current
If you find unsolvable problem s please contact your authorised OMRON Custom er Service.
For address see packaging and/or attached literature.
Technical data subject to change
* Mass Median Diam eter
Data independently obtained by:
Malvern Instrum ents Gm bH, Germ any
on Malvern Master Sizer System
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